Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Marriage SMS:

A good marriage would be between a Blind wife and a deaf husband.


During Marriage ceremony why is the bridegroom made to sit on the horse? A: He is given his last chance to run away!


Man: Is there any way for long life? Doctor: Get married. Man: Will it help? Doctor: No, but the thought of long life will never come.


A person who surrenders when he’s WRONG,
A person, who SURRENDERS when not SURE,
is WISE.
A person who surrenders even if he’s RIGHT,


One day a man inserted
and advertisement’ in the
local classifieds: “Wife wanted”. Next day he received a hundred letters.
They all said the same thing: “You can have mine.”


After a quarrel, a husband said to his wife,
you know, I was a fool when I married you.
She replied, Yes dear, I know
but I was in love and didn’t notice.


Telling a lie is Fault 4 a little boy an Art 4 a lover an Accomplishment 4 a bachelor and a Matter of survival 4 a married man


Why do we all marry? Because romance is not the only element of life. We should also know horror, terror, suspense, irony, stupidity & tragedy of LIFE.


Husband to wife: Why do you keep reading our marriage licence? Wife to Husband: I’m looking for a loophole


I never married because I have three pets at home that answer the same purpose as a husband.
I have a dog that growls every morning, a parrot that swears all afternoon and a cat that comes home late at night.

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